Sunday, April 26, 2009

In search of the history via internet

Ok, so I got the scooter home and found some interesting things under the fuel tank. What's next? Do I restore or leave as-is and get it running? Well, after many hours looking for pictures or anything else I could find on these scooters, I came up with the USPP website through the National Park Service main site. Although this website is very good describing the history and USPP organization, it told nothing of these scooters. The only website that really showed anything even remotely related was this one:

After reading what was on that website, this old scooter really became something of an interest to me. I am a history buff and the fact that the United States Park Police were the first uniformed police force in the United States really made up my mind that this scooter would be restored to it's former self. After many more hours in front of the computer, I found another website that was run and maintained by retired officers of the USPP. This is where I found a friend and historian that seems to care about this scooter as much as I do and has greatly helped me understand more about these very unique Vespas.

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