Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Picture

Saturday the picture that was found by the Sgt. in the archives of the USPP arrived. Wow, what a neat picture. I assume it is from 1972 or so, but it looks like a stock photo for press purposes. It shows the scooter in the correct police format. The officer pictured sadly has passed away. The Sgt. explained to me that he was one of the best liked officers on the force. I took a second picture yesterday to show what it looks like now in the same format. I would like to find out as much as I can about the front windshield that is missing now. I have looked quite a bit on the internet and can't seem to find anything even remotely similiar. If it is going to be put back to original, I am going to have to find one. The search for the elusive windshield is on!

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